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Commissioner of Education Willie Jett discussing the development of the new OHS with some school board members
Commissioner of Education Willie Jett discussing the development of the new OHS with some school board members
Jose Rosas

Minnesota Education Commissioner visits OHS

On Wednesday, September 20, Owatonna High School was visited by the Minnesota Education Commissioner Willie Jett. Jett was given a tour through the high school by Principal Kory Kath and Superintendent Jeff Elstad. The tour explored the new structure of the OHS and also the new learning spaces and opportunities that were created. After the tour, Mr. Jett met with some  Owatonna school board members and The OHS school cabinet to answer some questions on the educational development of the school and the district.

The tour started outside the main commons of the high school looping around the school. The tour explored the agricultural, business, health, science and open learning areas of the school. While exploring the new classes and learning spaces Mr.Jett was also given information about the new opportunities that were available to students through the addition of the new building and the help of the career center. These opportunities include mentorships, internships, congruent course credit and even the opportunity to get their CNA certification. Mr. Kath said, “ We are heavily investing in our students so they will have the opportunity to reinvest in our community.”  With the help of the community the new school will provide opportunities that will allow the Owatonna community to grow and flourish.

After the tour Mr. Jett met with some school board members and discussed the development of the new Owatonna High School and Minnesota education system as a whole, but especially emphasizing the concerns for the safety of the school and the students. Mr.Jett said, “ It feels like a never ending battle but we are going concentrate on the setting the relationships to succeed.” The education system for Minnesota has been focusing on making sure the safety of the students is prioritized. 


Mr. Jett marks the second official visit in the past month from the governor’s office with the first being first lady Gwen Walz. The new Owatonna High School has brought so many new opportunities for not just students, but as a community as a whole. Jett said, “ You know you truly have a special place because that’s what I am seeing.” The Owatonna community has a lot to look forward to.