The new OHS school has helped students find opportunities to expand their skill sets in the new career center. The career center is a way for students to connect with counselors and Career Navigator Mr. Brian Coleman in order to learn more about themselves and help get an idea for their future.
The career center is a designated area for students to connect with counselors and Mr. Coleman for help with schedules, mental health, help with jobs and anything relating to future plans. It is also a great spot for students to feel productive and effective by allowing students to do work there. The new career center is considered physically better by some because of its light and peaceful setting. Career center receptionist Ms. Joni Churchill said, “It is a great place for students to come for any support they need.” A part of Ms. Churchill’s job is to make students feel comfortable enough to talk to her or any other career center staff about any needs or wants.
In the old OHS, the career center was near the main office and around other staff members rather than students. However, the new career center is located where students mostly hang out. Ms. Churchill said, “I really like that we are kind of more in where the students are versus down by the main offices, so kids are more intentional about coming in for what they need.” Churchill explains how the new career center is not only physically appealing, but also more efficient for students and allows students to feel more comfortable.
In contrast to the old career center, the new one is not connected to the main office making it more peaceful and easily accessible regarding the fact that it is surrounded by the student center. Junior Sydney Fosness said, “I definitely think it’s better than the old one just because it’s not connected to the main office. I also think it’s more welcoming than the old one.” Having the career center separate from the main office allows students to focus.
The new OHS continues to give kids more opportunities to better prepare themselves and better opportunities to speak their mind about any inconveniences. The new career center is allowing students to feel welcome and wanted with the new space and in room 211.