During Cash drive week here at OHS we raised $4,042 for Rachel’s Light. Here is some information about the charity and what went on to raise this money for Rachel’s Light.
Rachel’s Light Cash Drive week video
November 28, 2023
OHS raised over $4,000 for Rachel’s Light.
About the Contributors

Torrin Smith, Writer
Torrin Smith is a senior here at OHS. He is a football and track captain, who also is in DECA. This is Smith’s second year in Magnet, Smith joined Magnet to create something unique that is his own, that he can be proud of. he is primarily on the video team where he edits and records videos for Magnet. He has one dog named Mickey. He enjoys hanging out with his friends and playing video games when he is not with his friends and having a good time. Smith plans on playing football in college, while he studies to be a physical therapist.

Oran Dowling, Writer
Oran Dowling is a senior at Owatonna High School, this is his first year being on Magnet Staff. He enjoys being in track, football, and Deca. He likes spending time with his friends and family, being outdoors, watching movies, and playing sports. He plans to go to a two year technical school and get certified to be an electrician. Being trustworthy, having attention to detail and respectful are three important characteristics about him. He joined Magnet because he enjoyed journalism class and wanted to continue working his journalism and learn photography skills.