With the start of the season, the Owatonna Gymnastics team is starting strong. The team started preparing for the sea

son in June, where they had off-season practices. They practiced twice a week and perfected and worked on skills. Within the last two years, the team has made it to state, sending multiple individuals to represent OHS Gymnastics. Last year, as a team, the girl’s team took home third place and ended with a ranking score of 144.125; this year, the girls’ team is smaller but still a prominent team as they are a well-rounded mixture of ages between younger and older girls.
The team practices Monday through Friday, where they spend three hours perfecting their events and conditioning. During those practices, they are packed with the outcome of success. Senior captain Emma Johnson said, “We have just been working up to getting our skills and building consistency for our routines.” As they set themselves up for success through hard work and determination, they constantly are improving their mentality when heading into meets and practices. Heading into the season on Nov 13, Junior Captain Averie Roush said, “So far, our season has been great; getting into our normal routine has been tough, but at this point in our season, we have all grown a lot as a team.”
The girls have big goals for success and the outcome they want to achieve this season. Roush said, “Goals for the season are to go far into our season, do our best and win at invites, Big 9, and sections, and also make it to state and win it.” They are approaching and working up to their first meet of the season against Austin on Dec 8.
The team’s first meeting was a success. The team won against Austin and ended with a score of 142, placing them in an excellent position for the start of the season.

As the team progresses throughout the season and their first meet, Senior captain Kaelyn Smith said, “I see us as one of the top teams in the Big 9 and section.” They hope to do well when placing in their conference and section but also strive for excellence and do their best individually and as a team when nearing the bigger meets. Head Coach Evan Moe has been coaching gymnastics for 9 years and hopes for a thriving season approaching some of their bigger meets and competitions. Coach Moe said, “From the first few meets of the year, it looks like Mankato East and Winona will be our toughest competition, and we’ll get to see them both before the conference meet.” Moe hopes for the team to continue to grow and, as a result, come out on top of the Big 9.
The OHS Gymnastics team has their next meet Thursday, Dec 14, vs. the Winona Winhawks at 6:30 p.m. in Winona.