“Cabrini” is a biographical drama movie that is based on the true story of Francesca Xavier Cabrini in 1889.
Francesca Cabrini was an Italian immigrant who went to New York City in 1889. When she gets there she is met with crimes, diseases, and impoverished children. After she sees this she goes on a quest to persuade the mayor to get stable housing and health care for people vulnerable to poverty. With poor health and trouble with speaking English, Carbrini wants to help as many people as she can.
Francesca Xavier Cabrini was born on July 15, 1850, in a village near Milan, Italy called S’ant Angelo Lodigiano. She grew up captive by stories of missionaries and decided to join a religious order. Due to her frail health, she could not join the Daughters of the Sacred Heart who had been her teachers and who guided her throughout getting her teaching certificate. Learn more about Francesca at Mother Cabrini.
From the same article, in 1880 with seven other young women, she founded the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They wanted to become missionaries in China. Francesca went to Rome to get an audience with Pope Leo XIII. She was told by the Pope “not to the East, but to the West” to New York. Her job was to help thousands of Italian immigrants already in the United States.
The story of Francesca Cabrini is a very inspirational story for all to hear and it shows how she tried to help as much as she could even with the struggles she was dealing with. Sophomore Brynn Andrix said, “This movie sounded really interesting. I really like movies that are based on true stories, especially this one. It is a very inspirational story and I think that everyone should know about it.”
Another student who s interested in this movie wants to see it because she is interested in historical events and stories. Junior Jordan Otte said, “I heard about this movie and it sounded really good. I really want to see it this weekend with either my friends or my mom and sister.”
Carbrini is directed by Alejandro Gómez Monteverde. He is a Mexican filmmaker and his first film took top prize for the “People’s Choice Award ” at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival. He also directed the film Sound of Freedom.