The first Kung Fu Panda movie was released in June of 2008. The main character, Po, is voiced by Jack Black, with other voice actors such as Jackie Chan, Angelina Jolie and Dustin Hoffman. Since then, Kung Fu Panda two and three have been released, with the fourth movie being released eight years later on March 8, 2024.
The movie was directed by Mike Mitchell, and so far has gotten good reviews. Rotten Tomatoes has given it a 72%, with an audience score of 86%. Rotten Tomatoes said, “Kung Fu Panda 4 offers enough eye-catching entertainment to sustain the franchise’s young fans, although it’s starting to feel like this series is running out of steam.”
Throughout all of the Kung Fu Panda movies, Po the Panda has found a love for kung fu, leading him to become the Dragon Warrior. He then started his practice under Master Shifu. He defeated Tai Lung, proving himself to be a true hero and earning the Dragon Scroll. In the fourth movie, Po has to choose a new Dragon Warrior to pass his legacy on so that he can become the new Spiritual leader of the Valley of Peace.
Throughout the movie, he teams up with a fox named Zhen, voiced by Awkwafina. They go on an adventure to Juniper City to try and defeat the Chameleon, a villain who can shape-shift into any creature possible. They learn to work together and through a twist, build a friendship.
Freshman Deiken Torabpour says, “I loved how the boss [chameleon] can shapeshift and that you get to expand the story with new characters in the universe.” The movie shows both new and old characters that tie together throughout the movie.
The movie is one hour and 38 minutes long. It is great for anyone and has a message reminding people that change can be good and that it is never too late to do the right thing. Movie tickets for the Owatonna Theater can be purchased here.