Thriving Minds hosted a movie night this weekend in the Foundation Room for movies, games and student body togetherness.
The movie night was on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. There was popcorn, chocolate chip cookies and refreshments at the event. The event hosted a movie night and showed the “Inside Out 2” film. Once the animated movie was finished, the NFL Packers vs. Seahawks game was put on for avid sports fans. In combination with the movie night, games were played. These games made the night action packed with community and friendship.
Behind the entire event was a strong underlying message for OHS students. Thriving Minds member Aza Lewis said, “The goal of the movie night was to bring awareness about mental health and just allow kids to be able to come into a space and feel safe in their environment and have fun.”
Lewis also said they selected “Inside Out 2” because it represented various emotions and how to deal with mental health. Lewis said she was most excited to see who all showed up and all the different people who came to hang out.
There was a decent sized group that showed up. Even though some visitors came half way through the film showing, the welcoming aspect of the Thriving Minds club made the night all the better. The night was filled with movies, games and good laughter. Josh Walerius said, “I think the movie night went well. My favorite part was the water bottle chugging competition.” Walerius also enjoyed all the fun everyone had together with playing games like Uno Flip and Pictionary.
Thriving Minds hosted a heart warming event that brought a diverse group of people together over a problem prevalent in today’s culture. The event was a great success and is hopeful for more students to participate throughout the year.