Effects of Red 40
Red 40, or Allura Red is a synthetic azo dye frequently used as a color additive in food, drinks, cosmetics and medications. Red 40 is also frequently used in sweets, breakfast cereals, soft beverages, sports drinks and more. It is the most prevalent artificial food dye in the U.S. and other nations.
However, there are so many negative consequences on a high number of individuals in the U.S. and other nations who consume Red 40, leading to both ongoing and new issues like allergic reactions, hyperfiltration in children, DNA damage and various health concerns.
Diet plays an enormous role in each person’s daily life since it can affect mood and is the foundation for well-being, optimal development and growth.With the rapid evolution of manufacturing and technology, though, a diet compared to 100 years ago is entirely different today. The U.S. now has a “westernized” diet – an ultra-processed, high-fat and mainly carbohydrate diet that has increased significantly in the last 40 years. These diets mainly contain processed foods containing artificial chemicals, such as Red 40, and are deficient in required nutrients like fiber and vitamins. Of course, these principal components are now being replaced by highly processed sugars, with little to no study regarding the significant exposure to these “westernized” foods that contain so much Red 40.
Red 40 contains petroleum-based chemicals which are the same raw materials gasoline and other plastics are made of. Azo Dyes disintegrate inside the body once ingested and turn into toxic chemicals. Additionally,Benzene,a known cancer-causing chemical, and 4-Aminophenyl, another possible carcinogen, are included within Red 40..
The number one effect of Red 40 is the hyperactivity and behavioral changes in children. It is an issue in children that interferes with neurotransmitter regulation and cognitive processes. Red 40 is also inducing attention and mood changes. A study conducted in The Lancet in 2007 showed that children consuming artificial coloring like Red 40 had a 10-15% increase of hyperactive behaviors compared to the controls. Other research also indicates Red 40 can disrupt the blood-brain barrier, causing neurotoxic chemicals to pass through regular brain tissues. Being more neurologically vulnerable, children are more affected by these effects, and hyperactivity is the most apparent effect of ingesting Red 40.
Red 40 is not an allergen but can stimulate immune reactions within the body, leading to hives, rashes on the skin, face swelling, headaches and abdominal discomfort. In some research, Red 40 has been shown to release allergy chemicals, or histamines, producing food-allergy-like effects. Moreover, individuals suffering from salicylate sensitivity or pre-existing food intolerance will likely experience amplified symptoms when they consume artificial color additives like Red 40. Though the overall frequency of Red 40 sensitivity is low, it will lead to a significant amount of distress. Therefore, it is a matter of concern even if it has no behavioral effect.
DNA modification is also being linked to high consumption of Red 40. DNA modification can interfere with normal cellular function and then cause cancer to start forming.
Another thing Red 40 is being linked with is oxidative stress. This causes an antioxidant imbalance in the body; once it is imbalanced, it causes cellular component damage when normal cell functions are damaged and composed. Red 40 also has traces of benzidine, which is known as a variable that causes cancer. This carcinogen disrupts the formation of blood cells within the body’s bone marrow.
These factors all together show the medical and genetic mutations that Red 40 is causing. While the FDA has not banned it yet due to its health-harming threats, reducing the consumption of this toxic dye would help limit some of these effects that could arise.
If someone is wanting to limit the amount of Red 40 they are consuming, make sure to look at food labels on the back of boxes and look for the name Red 40.