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OHS senior poses with an empty ZYN container.
OHS senior poses with an empty ZYN container.
Tanner Smith

The ZYN-demic: What you need to know

The rise of nicotine pouches at OHS
What are ZYNs?
Graph describing sales growth of nicotine pouches from 2019-2022. Credit to JAMA Netw Open.

ZYNs are smokeless oral nicotine pouches. Other popular nicotine pouch brands include Velo and On!. Nicotine pouches are placed in the mouth and along the gums. They come in a multitude of flavors and concentrations of nicotine. From 2016 to 2020, the market for nicotine pouches grew by 305 percent.

According to the American Lung Association, “A 2022 study of 44 nicotine pouch products found that 26 of the samples contained cancer-causing chemicals and several other chemicals such as: ammonia, chromium, formaldehyde, nickel, pH adjusters, and nicotine salt.” While ZYNs have been proven to be better for users than traditional cigarettes or vapes, they still pose harmful effects. 

While nicotine pouches possess harmful chemicals, they became FDA approved in January this year. The FDA approved 20 ZYN products for marketing. In order for the FDA to have cause to approve a product, they need to have a reasonable belief the product will be more beneficial to the public’s health than harmful. Many believe that ZYNs are effective to use for quitting smoking. 

The FDA made it clear that ZYNs and other similar products are not intended for use by minors. In a public statement about the approval for marketing of ZYN products Brian King said, “It’s critical that the manufacturer market these products responsibly to prevent youth use…”

Professionals state that ZYNs do have value for quitting smoking. The long term goal, however, is to ultimately quit nicotine. This initial intent is often lost among young users. Instead of using them to quit nicotine, nicotine pouches are often used as an accessible method of nicotine intake.

An assortment of nicotine pouch brands.
The rise of ZYNs

In the past couple of years, nicotine pouches have been a major trend in pop culture. In the sports world, they have taken the spotlight in professional hockey, baseball, football and golf. Major figures, such as Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ quarterback Baker Mayfield, have publicly been seen using nicotine pouches and have been outspoken about their use of them. 

In an article posted on Golf Digest, professional golfer Tim Herron was quoted saying, “When I’m putting in a long practice session, I’ll put in a ZYN (a brand of nicotine pouches) to maintain my focus, stick with my routine and get things done.” Nicotine pouches do activate neurotransmitters that can cause short-term boosts in focus and attention. 

An anonymous OHS junior stated, “I first learned what a ZYN was after the famous video of Baker Mayfield came out. I was just kind of curious and started to look them up.” In the video, Baker Mayfield is sitting on the bench during an NFL game. He can be seen putting in a ZYN before going back into the game.

This trend is also relevant in Owatonna High School, where ZYNs have been becoming more popular. Students have a wide range of reasons for trying nicotine pouches. These reasons include pressure from friends, to help with focus and because they enjoy the buzz. 

An anonymous OHS senior said, “I first started using ZYNs after a friend first offered me one and I said yes.” This is not a unique first exposure to ZYNs for students at OHS. Other, but not all, anonymous students shared similar experiences for their first time. 

An anonymous OHS junior said, “I knew people that did them, but I did not feel any pressure to try ZYN. I just wanted to know what it felt like”. 

Once students started using nicotine pouches, they continued to use them because they enjoyed the buzzing sensation, felt as though they needed them to function or wanted to continue to experiment with them. Of the students who admitted they were addicted to nicotine, a majority said it did not take long for them to become addicted. Many of these students use nicotine pouches multiple times throughout the day and use about a tin every week. Tins contain 15 or 20 individual pouches, depending on the brand. 

This rapid addiction can be explained by research done by the American Lung Association. An article posted on their website states, “Depending on the nicotine content of the pouch being consumed, let’s say a 6 mg ZYN pouch, the nicotine ingested would be equivalent to smoking approximately 3 packs of cigarettes.” Of the OHS students interviewed, 80 percent of nicotine pouch users said they often use 6 mg pouches or higher. 

An assortment of nicotine pouch brands. (Joe Zeman)
OHS health services office hosts students in need.
Health effects

The most obvious health effect of using nicotine pouches is their highly addictive nature. Because of the high concentration of nicotine in each pouch, it is easy to become addicted. ZYNs and other nicotine pouches can be used as a gateway into more serious drug use.

The OHS School Resource Officer and Owatonna Police Department Detective Derek Quinlan said, “[Nicotine use] can lead you down a pretty bad path of addiction… and make you into a person who is more susceptible to being addicted to other stuff as well.” The National Institutes of Health states that, although scientists have always acknowledged that nicotine raises the risk for later use of drugs such as marijuana and cocaine, a recent study has tied nicotine use directly to being susceptible to cocaine addiction. This is due to changes in the brain’s chemistry as a result of nicotine.

Beyond allowing one’s brain to become more likely to be addicted to cocaine, a nicotine user becomes dependent on the drug. It is similar to caffeine in this regard. Withdrawals are common and produce symptoms such as cravings, trouble sleeping, crankiness, anxiety, headache and weight gain. 

Officer Quinlan said, “[Nicotine] is one of those things where you need it to keep going… it becomes second nature.” Long term effects of nicotine pouches are still unknown because they have just recently become popular. The most well-known long-term effect of nicotine is cardiovascular problems such as elevated heart rate or blood pressure. That being said, putting chemicals into the body has inherent risks.

Officer Quinlan said, “With nicotine, with any chemical that’s going in your body, there’s always going to be an adverse reaction that could happen.” Officer Quinlan said that nicotine does not always lead to death or cancer, but Quinlan said, “It’s not worth the risk. You could be the one of however many in the year that do die.” The exact number of people who die each year from nicotine pouches is unknown.

There are also immediate health risks from using nicotine. A notable part of a vast majority of students’ first experience with ZYNs is the fact that they become physically sick. Students described symptoms of headache, pain in their mouth or tongue, feeling sick to their stomach or even vomiting. This did not deter the students from continuing to use nicotine pouches.

An anonymous OHS senior said, “I mean, for me, that was just part of the first experience. I knew I was probably going to get sick, but I wanted to continue trying.” Nausea is experienced when someone consumes too much nicotine too quickly or at a strength that exceeds their tolerance level. Nausea associated with using nicotine pouches is known as “nicotine sickness.” This explains why most people become physically sick after their first time using nicotine. 

The same anonymous senior said, “After a bit, I did not get sick anymore and would just feel the buzz.”

OHS health services office hosts students in need. (Tanner Smith)
OHS pillar depicts student life.
OHS Implications

In the United States, the legal age to buy any nicotine product is 21 years old. For students at OHS, everyone who purchases ZYN or other nicotine products claims to buy them from friends, relatives or other adult acquaintances. Some students only use them socially and get them from friends. Others have someone 21 years old or older who is willing to purchase nicotine pouches for the student. A few students have parents or family members who do not care if their student uses pouches. The parent or family member buys for the student. 

This reflects the widely accepted belief that nicotine pouches are essentially harmless.

For people who are looking for help, there are resources within OHS and the Owatonna community as a whole. Officer Quinlan emphasizes providing people suffering from addiction with the help they need as opposed to disciplinary action.

Officer Quinlan said, “If you came up to me and told me that you just need help getting off of them… I’m not going to get you in trouble. We’re going to work together to get you out of it.” 

Officer Quinlan went on to say, “I’d rather see you be successful, be healthy and be an upstanding member of our community than to see you get in trouble over some nicotine pouches.”

Beyond Officer Quinlan, OHS has a substance counselor named Ms. Peyton Rollenhagen. Ms. Rollenhagen works through the school to provide additional services to those directly affected by substance abuse.

OHS pillar depicts student life. (Joe Zeman)
Final Takeaways

In recent years, ZYNs and other forms of nicotine pouches have made their way into popular culture and OHS. Although pouches do have benefits for quitting smoking or improved focus, they have definite risks. These risks include susceptibility to other serious addictions such as cocaine, dependence on nicotine and physical sickness.

OHS is full of staff members who are there to help students who are suffering from substance abuse. These resources want to see students succeed and encourage anyone who may need help to reach out. Students who want help can seek it from trusted adults – within or outside of Owatonna High School.