2026 will be an exciting year for Owatonna DECA as an upcoming senior, Amal Mohamed, was elected as one of the state officers. Owatonna hasn’t had a state officer representative for 17 years. She will be speaking as the vice president of public relations in front of the crowd of Minnesota DECA in Minneapolis next March.
Next year will mark her fourth year involved in DECA. Mohamed has shown her dedication to the club through her active participation in the early morning meetings, after school workshops and success in her competitive events. Her commitment to this role shows how important DECA is to her and how much she aspires to share her knowledge in business and management. As a state officer she requires lots of public speaking. Not only in front of adults, but thousands of students her age. Mohamed said, “I’m incredibly grateful for the chance to lead, inspire, and pave the way for younger members in my chapter who aspire to follow this path.” She has been working for this role since her freshman year and is excited to represent Owatonna at next year’s state DECA event.
OHS DECA Head Advisor, Mr. Bradley Scharber helped her achieve this goal and is excited to see her pursue it. He said, “She has a lot of skills like creativity, problem solving and communication that will allow her to drive in that position. She is just someone that always wants to continue growing as a human, so it is really exciting to see her achieve a lot of cool things through that opportunity.”
With the thrill of being a state officer, she was voted on behalf of her peers to be a part of the Owatonna officer team as President. She, along with five other Owatonna officers, will continue to represent Owatonna DECA through the annual districts, state and national competitions.