Manie Musicale is an annual bracket-style music tournament which allows fans from all over the world to vote for their favorite song out of 16 songs chosen by French teachers from all over the globe. Similar to March Madness. The tournament started in 2017 by two middle school French teachers, Stephanie Charbonneau and Michelle Fournier. 16 songs are selected by French teachers from all over the world to make a tournament for French classes to participate in, the goal is to make class a little more enjoyable. And what makes it more enjoyable is the fact that some of these songs may not sound good to begin with, but as students listen to them more, the more they like them.
The Manie Musicale is a tournament that starts in March, around the same time as March Madness. Students vote for a song to win over the other every other day, eventually until one song wins it all.
Manie Musicale is a great way to have students participate in class, share opinions, get to know each other a little bit and at the same time learn some new words, sometimes even get to hear the words you’ve already learned in class.
Junior SIlas Klug said, “it’s cool to see words that you just learned in the songs”.
The 2024 Manie Musicale was very hype, some French students would say, and it definitely was something to look forward to in class. It had some very good songs like “C’est la vie” and “Akwaba”. But will 2025 be just as good? If you haven’t taken it yet, French class can be a very fun class to take, especially considering the Manie Musicale Tournament starting the class off in February, and basically lasting the whole semester. Junior Tristan Buck said, “Manie Musicale is pretty fun, they have lots of good songs, except Matin Midi Soir.