Snow Week Royalty 2017


Harrison Kuhn

Snow Week Top 12 (Formal picture on Tuesday)

Congratulations Snow Week Royalty!
King: Cole Bergeman, Carter Broton, Nate Deason, Isaiah DaMitz,
Daniel Keller, Konner Kubista, Boe Lueken, Jacob Menden
Richard Ong, Vince Spurgeon, Goy Tut and  Andrew Wall

Queen: Mckenzie Arndt, Ellen Boisen, Amanda Collins,
Bernadette Donlon, Alexa Langeland, Calista McCauley
Amy Oldenburg, Annabelle Paquin, Maya Rohwer
Samantha Schuster, Ivette Torres and  Kendall Travis
(Formal Picture on Tuesday due to DECA Districts)