Senior Spotlight Ryan Huang
Snow King Ryan Huang stands in front of the crowd after accepting his pirate hat crown
Ryan Huang, is a senior at the OHS who is involved with music and film production. I had a chance to sit down with Huang to talk about his senior year and what he plans to do with his time after high school is over. Ryan was most eager to talk about his new silent movie coming out titled “The Root of Evil”. Huang said, “I first got my start in film making just doing short videos with Youtube and as I became more interested in film, my interest evolved to short films.”
Many may not know this but “The Root of Evil” is actually a sequel to Huang’s first film. He said, “The new film is a better and more organized attempt at my first film which took me about a week to write and it was about 25 minutes long. This new film I would consider a full length feature film. It is about an hour long and it’s taken about a year and a half to write and produce.” Without giving too many details Huang went on to say that the film takes place in the 1930’s and it’s about a government agent who is investigating the works of a doctor who may or may not be creating a potion through obtaining a stock of ginseng.
Outside of film making, next year Huang plans to attend the University of Minnesota and study Biology as he is on a pre-med track. Huang jokingly said, “Maybe I’ll film myself performing in medicine or something.” Ryan was also just selected to be a co-commencement speaker with senior Matt Von Ommerman. In regard to the news of his selection, Huang said, ” Yeah, I’ve never really been much of a public speaker unless I’m onstage performing, but I’ve always enjoyed talking and speaking so I just figured it be a great experience and hopefully it will be enjoyable for myself.” Arts are a major area of interest for Ryan as he has been involved with music for almost seven years. Ryan also plans to continue with music in college with a viola minor.
Hockey is my life, magnet is pretty cool though.