Swinging on

Tori Urch putting for the Huskies
The Owatonna Girls Golf team is your typical middle of the pack team. Some tournaments they excel, while in others they stay right in the middle. Senior Captain Maddie Zulk says, “We have been in the middle of the pack all season, but we’ve had a lot of fun! Jayce Bogen and I are very excited to go to the Section Tournament and hopefully finish strong.”
Although there is no “record” for golf, the team’s scores get added up at the end of each match and the team with the lowest score wins. Recently, at the Red Wing Invite, Owatonna placed fourth out of nine teams and had a combined score of 373. Marie Otterson shot an 89 and led the Huskies. Zulk explains, “We really do not have one person that is always the lowest scorer. It is just a combination of all of us shooting well.” Zulk and the rest of the team will try to finish within the top five teams at Big 9. The Big 9 Conference meet -which will be on Monday, May 23, at the Northfield Golf Club- tee off’s start at 10:00 a.m.. Head Coach Tim Hunts says, “Our goal is to get to day two of sections as a team. It’s a tall order as we have a very tough section, including highly state ranked teams Red Wing and Lakeville North, but it is a goal worth pursuing.” Sections time and place is yet to be determined.

I am a senior at Owatonna High School. I will be attending Iowa State University next year! I will be majoring biochemistry with hopes of pharmacy school....

Photo Editor! I also take photos sometimes! Look ---------->