OHS looking forward to the future
The fourth annual College and Career Fair at Owatonna High School will be on hosted on Thursday, Nov. 10 in the gym. The College and Career Fair will be in the gym whether the floor is finished or not. Students are asked to report to their Tuesday Morning Meeting classrooms at 8 a.m., participate and learn from these colleges and business representatives. The college fair will go until 11 a.m. and the lunches will run as normal. Third and fourth hour classes will continue like they would do on a normal scheduled day. Normal attendance policies apply. Seniors and juniors will attend the college fair and depending on their TMM teacher will also be going to various sessions to help them plan for their futures. The freshmen and sophomores will attend a presentation on social media about how to be a “Good Digital Citizen”, as well as a seminar on bullying, and also visit the college fair with their TMM classes.The sophomores will not be taking the PLAN test like they have in the past.
Attending the College and Career Fair will be 27 colleges and 15 local businesses. Students will be allowed to come and talk to the various colleges and businesses to learn more about them. Whether you plan on going to college or going straight into the workforce, this is a good opportunity to start planning ahead.

Spencer is a senior at Owatonna High School. This is his second year in the OHS Magnet family, and he has became the fearless leader of the team. Spencer...