Finding a future
The gym played host to 25 colleges and 24 businesses
October 24, 2017
One of OHS’s goals is to prepare students for life after they leave OHS. There are a plethora of outlooks for students after high school. The fifth annual College and Career Fair was held to show students some of the different opportunities they have after school. About 25 private and state colleges and 24 local businesses showed up that day to give students a wide range of options to look at. Students can see options of what they can do (or do not want to do) outside of OHS. If college is not the path, there were many local businesses for students to visit as well as military options.
The altered schedule allowed students to travel with TMM and attend sessions that were grade level appropriate such as safe internet usage and how to interview.
The OHS College and Career day has helped students navigate the application process in the past. The representative from South Central College, Elizabeth Prange, said that with the career fair taking place in their busiest month many applicants from OHS apply in this time frame. Prange said, “South Central College is a nice opportunity for students in Owatonna because of the location.” One senior Tate Krampitz says, “It provides you with the means to make a great future”.
When asked why she believes the college and career fair is important Mrs. Shives an organizer for the fair said, “Knowledge is power and the more they know about the companies and colleges available to them and the more they know about landing a job after a successful interview and surviving intense workforce, the better.” Talking to colleges can greatly help to get a grasp on what to ask colleges that are of interest. Either way, OHS wants to show students opportunity for life ahead.
Based on success OHS plans to bring the College and Career Fair back next year.