Real life Rugrats

An overview of family consumer science

Senior Jenna Wanous holding a child at playschool days

Mady Vieths

Senior Jenna Wanous holding a child at playschool days

There may be more going on in the family consumer science area then you may know of. Students and teachers have been working very hard lately with many events coming up, and those that have happened. On Thursday, Dec. 12, Mrs. Denise Lage’s Child Development II, the students acted as teachers, and put into practice what they have studied by having preschoolers come up to the OHS and participate in the student teaching section.

Down in Mrs. Connie Pittmann’s room, YSL has been working at their sites three days a week, and doing their reach out hours outside of school. In Pittman’s fashion and design class, they are learning about principles and elements of design.

What’s happening in the foods classes?  Foods I is learning about quick breads. They are also learning why to put certain ingredients in certain food. Foods II had a worker from Cash Wise come in, and she demonstrated cake decorating. Some other great news. Food classes were approved for a Perkins grant to update stoves in both of the rooms. If anyone is into foods classes they will be updated for next year and there will be a new class, Foods III. Something else new and unique is that Mrs. Jackie Getting’s Food and Fitness class has been doing yoga, kickboxing, and many other fitness activities every other Friday. Mrs. Lage said, “I’m very excited were getting new stoves in our rooms.”

Those interested in joining Culinary Club can join anytime during the year. The Culinary Club is doing well this year. The next meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 19, they will be having a winter break party and making holiday snacks.