Girls gonna hoop

Corey Gander

Serena Omangi
Sydney Schultz ready to make a pass

The Owatonna Girls Basketball season is finally upon us! The season started Nov. 8 when they played Farmington. The girls lost 71-59, but are hoping to bounce back next time. Head Coach Lindsey Hugstad-Vaa said, “This is a special team with a lot of talent and leaders. Senior Lexi Falken has been one of them and she’s always pushing herself and her teammates to be the greatest they can be.” Falken scored a total of 19 points, six of which were three pointers in their game against Farmington. Falken said, “It felt good to finally get back on the court and do what I love the most.” The team graduated a lot of seniors last year and has many spots to fill. The Huskies escaped Mankato with a 80-43 win against East. Three days later they hosted West and beat the Scarlets 88-69. The Huskies are looking to make an early run in the season. Senior captain Sydney Schultz is expected to have another great year for the Huskies. She recorded over 400 points last year and was the huskies leading scorer.

 The team has come a long way from from where we began this offseason with the help of cross-fit workouts with strength coach Mr. Eggermont, practicing everyday after school and watching film on the upcoming opponents. The team hopes to win the Big 9 Conference and play into the post- season, but this will require a lot of hard work.  The girls next game is Tuesday, Dec. 12 at Northfield at 7:30 p.m.