The registration process
The registration process starts on Tuesday, Jan. 30 for all 9-11 graders
January 30, 2018
Registration time at OHS is coming faster than you may realize. The goal for students as they begin preparing for next year is to be as confident as possible with their class choices.
A part of being prepared for next year requires students to meet with their TMM advisers, enabling them to begin the registration process for next years classes. Assistant Principal Chris Moore is in charge of the Registration process. Mr. Moore said, “Registration will start on Jan. 30, and it will be a 30 minute TMM, which we will be handing out registration guides to every TMM class.” During the second TMM students will have the opportunity to finalize the registration process, and Feb. 12 students will register for next years classes outside of school hours. Mr. Moore said, “There will be another day for students to go and finalize their registration courses on Feb. 5th, and the day that students will be signing up for their classes in on Feb. 12, at the time that you have been assigned to.” Parents and students will be able to get their questions answered by the TMM adviser. After all of the questions have been answered, they can go and register for their preferred courses for next year into the school system. While the other grades will be having TMM for registration, the seniors will be meeting with their TMM advisers and listening to a guest speaker.
The teachers’ goals at this time are to walk each student through what it takes to get into various colleges. The goal is for when you are planning for colleges, students will have the right information needed through the specific classes they have taken. Not every student has the same passion, so the goal is to help each student prepare for what they want to do after high school through the variety of elective classes.
There is also a slight chance that one of the courses that a student chooses may be cut by the school, because the school might not have the budget to keep that course or not enough kids register for it. Mr. Moore said, “The school will go in and check which classes that the school budget cannot afford. We will work something out with the student, or we can just fill the classes spot with one of the classes that the student has added to their alternative classes.” Even if the student does not receive the class at the highest priority for them, they can still have class options from the other requested classes. The goal is to have students choose many different classes to help them fill their day with classes that may interest them more than others if they can’t receive their first pick.
It is a good idea to look into making an appointment and speaking with their counselor with the 2018 class registration being so close. The students counselor can help them with deciding which classes are going to be the most impactful for them. They can help students look at their grades to see if they should stay in an enriched class, or switch to a average level class, and vice versa. If they are hoping to go into a specific college or career after high school, they can look into which classes would benefit them as they are planning for the future. Counselors can help students when it comes to making the important decision of what classes to choose for next year.
Some students are excited for specific classes. Junior Sam Davidson is gonna be challenging himself by taking AP courses. Davidson said, “I will be taking tons of AP classes, and specifically science and history classes as well.” Sam Davidson is planning on taking tons of science, and history classes because those interest him the most, and he wants to climb towards his goals after school either in science or history.
Registration conferences are scheduled for Monday, Feb. 12 at OHS