Success in art
February 28, 2018
Art classes combine a person’s creative thinking, feelings and emotion. Art gives students the ability of freedom. In terms of being able to create anything they can imagine, this can help students enjoy exploring their class. Art II is a class where a student does this in a variety of projects.
Art II requires a final assignment for the whole quarter. In this class, a student has the ability to work on any type of art imaginable. As students work on the assignment that art teacher Mr. Brian Kuehn gives them, they have the ability to modify it to fit their creative goal for the project. Mr. Kuehn said, “You have choices. If you need something to get you started, there is an assignment available, or if you’re a student that says, ‘I don’t need guidance, and I can discover on my own, you can do that too. That’s what you get to do in an advanced class.” Mr. Kuehn also said, “So the only thing I really require is the final assignment, which you have to provide two pieces of artwork that basically is using the same imagery, the same materials and the same technique. It also has something to do with an everyday object that we are all used to seeing, but we are not used to seeing it in the same imagery or subject matter in an artwork.” This method works well for students because they do not feel the pressure of a deadline or finishing an assignment.
Many students enjoy having a class like this. Senior Kadyn Mulert said, “I like this assignment because it gives me the freedom to express my artistic abilities. What I hope to learn from this art class is to improve my artistic skills.” When Mr. Kuehn was asked what a student should take away after finishing art at the end of the quarter, he said, “The goal is for [students] is to have the confidence and the skills to see themselves basically as an artist.” A student should be able to adapt and revise their own work and not care about what is the normal. Overall, art teaches students new ways to create from what they imagine and be able to problem solve by creative thinking.