Free Money

Ben Stelter

Due dates for all scholarships available to all students through the school

Ben Stelter

Many seniors are worried about the extra work that scholarships bring to their already busy lives. But, it is worth the time and effort as it can be the best part-time job that one can have. Scholarships can be immensely beneficial when it comes to reducing the financial impact that college can have on seniors, and there is a scholarship for everyone. Many students will get some sort of financial reward if they apply to many different scholarships.

Mrs. Shannon Dewitz, assistant principal secretary, is the person one would talk to for any scholarship questions. When asked what are some tips for filling out scholarship applications, Mrs. Dewitz said, “I would suggest that they read through everything after they’re all done and make sure they have every aspect of it. Sometimes they are forgetting a transcript or a recommendations letter, make sure they follow the instructions because every one of them is just a little bit different and make sure they have everything that it is asking for.”  If the scholarship does not meet the requirements, it will most likely be beaten out by a complete application. So, it is important all the criteria are met and students can only compete that if they know what they need to do for each application.

In order for a student to be chosen to receive an award, they will have to be a memorable applicant. Many students apply to the same scholarship, so being creative and unique can make a student a more attractive candidate. On the topic of what will help student stand out from one another, Mrs. Dewitz said, “Students will respond to an essay question with like two sentences, committees are probably looking for a little bit more than that. If you can expand on whatever that initial reaction was to that question and really kind of dig deep with what they’re asking for, they love those life lessons that kids have learned. You can work that and incorporate that into some of the questions and see how you have learned and grown from some of the things you have gone through in your life.” Scholarship committees are really looking for growth from experiences in life, so try to make an application memorable.
Important aspects of scholarship applications are also involvement. Scholarship committees look for applicants involved in extracurricular activities like sports, volunteer service, and participation in clubs. Being involved can be a great selling point to committees. By being involved, the committee can see how the applicant is driven and will succeed in college. Additionally, maintaining good grades are essential. Achieving respectable grades demonstrates how the applicant is hard working and can handle the rigor of college.

Seniors need to make sure they are checking the scholarships website, located on the Owatonna Public Schools web page under scholarships LINK, weekly so they do not miss important deadlines. Also, they need to stay organized and be cognizant of what they need to do for each scholarship. Students should fill out every applications possible, even if they do not fully meet the criteria for the application, it could still be possible to receive those awards. Students who received scholarships will be recognized in the Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. on May 23.