Scouting for achievement
Dallas Wetzel with his “Little Free Library” for his Eagle Scout Service Project
October 8, 2018
Only one percent of all boy scouts meet the requirements to accomplish the status of “Eagle Scout”, the highest achievable ranking. This status is something all boy scouts value because of all the tremendous dedication it takes to accomplish. Scouting plays a significant role in promoting scouts to push themselves to be leaders and role models throughout the community. Being an Eagle Scout requires completing a project that benefits the community.
Senior Dallas Wetzel, whose been scouting since the first grade, is one among the few individuals who has strived to complete the Eagle Scout Project. For his project, Wetzel set up what he calls “The Little Free Library.” The Little Free Library has become a very promit idea to Wetzel after he reached out to Owatonna Park and Recreation. Luckily, the Owatonna Park and Recreation had been looking forward to seeing Book Nooks displayed throughout the community. Wetzel decided to take on this opportunity to pay it forward to the community. He started this project in March and his first step was getting four people to sign off on his project proposal. Wetzel designed and built the book nooks with the help of many other members, taking around six months to complete. The public started seeing them around town in the beginning of September.
Wetzel’s book nooks play an important role in our community, the main purpose is to help families who cannot financially afford to buy books. His project is a place where anyone can come find enjoyable books for their kids. These book nooks have been made available for anyone in the community to use but was designed particularly for youth.
People can take, leave or return the books. People can leave a book they especially enjoyed during their childhood for other kids to enjoy. So far the communities response to the book nooks have been nothing but positivity and he claims he has received incredible amounts of compliments. Wetzel impressely said, “ Two hours after I installed them, people had already donated books. I enjoy the feeling of achieving something after the tremendous amount of work and dedication put into it.”The book nooks are located at North Bluff Park, Mineral Springs Park, the Owatonna Soccer Complex, Jaycee Park, and Leo Rudolph Nature Reserve.