Spring break staycation
Owatonna High School has scheduled a school day on Friday, March 22. This would have been the start of spring break, however now students will have to begin on the following Monday, March 25. With well over a week of built up snow days, OHS students are fortunate to have their upcoming break on schedule. Even without the added Friday, the surrounding weekends make spring break of 2019, nine days long. This gives students plenty of time to celebrate the warm weather and end of third quarter.
With nine free days, the students of OHS are open to all sorts of ways to pass the time. OHS senior Meryk Kubat said, “It’s always a good idea to spend free time with your family and friends.” Other students and staff members have plans that include either traveling south or staying in town to enjoy the hopefully warm weather. Senior Connor Kubista said, “After the winter we’ve had, we’re going to need a warm spring break.” According to the AccuWeather extended forecast for Owatonna, the predicted high for March 25 is 35 degrees and 45 degrees for April 1.
Spending time with family, and enjoying the outdoors are only some of the activities that come with warm weather. Snowmobiles will have to be retired for the year and ATVs will be brought back out. Lake Kohlmier will be thawing soon with the above freezing weather, which will make fishing, paddleboarding and other activities a good option. The Blast will be opening soon and the hiking paths around Mineral Springs Park will be clear for use. All these options and many more give students and staff members plenty of things to do without even leaving town.

Cole Stanley is a senior of OHS who believes that everyone has a right to know what is happening in the world around them with he is as proud as he can...