Wellnitz sprints into the track season

Serena Omangi

Annabelle Wellnitz at the home meet

Ashlikay Castillo, Writer

Senior Annabelle Wellnitz has been running track for six years and is a 2019 captain. She has been very active in running sports throughout her high school career. Her strengths are staying very active, organized and focused.

Wellnitz participates in cross country, was a figure skater for seven years, and is a big sister for the organization Big Brothers Big Sisters. She enjoys hanging out with her family and friends, cooking and loves to do anything outdoors. Wellnitz said, “Some advice I’d give to future runners is to never take a break from running because when you start back up, it makes you think of why you started running in the first place.” Head coach Ann Christenson said, “Annabelle is such a sweetheart. She always is happy, has a great attitude and is always willing to help others. She loves hearing everyone’s opinions and makes sure that all voices are heard.”

Wellnitz is thankful to have the experience of participating in track and is thankful to be voted captain. In the past, she participated in a different variety of running events, but her senior year, she plans on being a sprinter. Junior Kaia Elstad said, “She’s a very positive person, she works very hard and it reflects on other people.”  She hopes to do well in her track season and might carry on her running career into college.