Ms. Sydney Kasper
Ms. Kasper
Ms. Sydney Kasper is a new teacher this year at OHS. Ms. Kasper is a special education teacher. She has always wanted to become a teacher ever since she was young, she looked up to her mom heavily as her role model, as she was a teacher herself. She would go with her mom before school and stay after school to help her. She grew up in Owatonna and has lived here her whole life. After graduating high school, she went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Something that she wants to do every day is to inspire learners. Kasper said, “I want my students to know that I care, whether that be by asking questions or creating relationships with my students and letting them know that they have someone in the building that they can go to”. She wants everyone to know that she is there to talk to anyone about anything. She is looking forward to her first year here at OHS. She knows that she is going to be learning new things as the year progresses, but one thing that she wants to take away from her first year is to learn every day, taking her mistakes and turning them into a positive learning experience. You can find her in room A310.