Students keeping busy
Playing a game of Pictionary with Ethan C, Karina R, Nic P, Parker E, and Zachary L
April 17, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, OHS students, as well as all students in the state of Minnesota, have transitioned to distance learning until May 4 to help flatten the curve. Many students are struggling to stay entertained because they cannot socialize with anyone. Social distancing and distance learning may feel like culture shock to some and, to others, an extended break. Students and teachers alike have been trying to keep everything as normal as possible.
Senior Karina Ramirez prefers in-class over distance learning because she likes the hands-on aspect. She also misses seeing her peers and classmates. She, like many other seniors, is worried about missing out on her final high school milestones. Ramirez takes about three to four hours to do her school. Ramirez said, “It’s hard not knowing if we’re going to get our last prom or be able to walk on stage for graduation. All the seniors are walking on eggshells waiting for one to crack.” During quarantine, Ramirez has learned how to garden, keep her room clean and try to get herself ready for college.
Junior Nic Pilcher has enjoyed online schooling, but he wishes that he was at school because he misses being with his friends and the classroom environment. He likes how he can work at his own pace. Pilcher said, “What I have learned from quarantine is to appreciate what we have and there’s a lot of things I took for granted as being around that are strange to go without.” During this time, Pilcher has found out that he likes listening to music and he spent quite a bit of time outside in the yard. He has also been doing a lot of computer work. Pilcher has already taken the ACT, but he was hoping to improve his score with the one that was offered on April 7. He will take it this summer to see if he can improve. He does appreciate the extra time to study for the test.
Sophomore Ethan Cowell has been homeschooling since he was in preschool. A normal day of school begins when he wakes up around 7 a.m. and he starts school from 8:30-9 a.m. His core classes include history, science, and English. His math class is online because it is easier for him. Cowell finishes school between noon and 2 p.m. depending on how long he needs to get his work done. His main goal every day is to get everything done before noon so he has more free time. Cowell said, “I have to laugh because people say that they’re doing school from home and I have been doing school for life.” Cowell has been in FFA for over two years and has been in 4H for four years. Some of his hobbies include: hunting, working on his new truck, playing his guitar and watching Youtube. During quarantine, the only thing that he misses is going into town and going out to eat with his family.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these students are trapped in a box of schooling and extended breaks. Students who are looking forward to graduation, students who are looking forward to prom for the first time and students who want to go back to school and do the hand-on labs and see their friends again.