OHS Best Sellers
Owatonna High School has a club for students who enjoy reading literature. The OHS book club is an opportunity for those who enjoy reading to spend time with others who also enjoy it. It all started with senior Zachery Deetz and Mrs. Pat Wall four years ago when Deetz was a freshman. They meet every Monday after school from 2:30-3 p.m. Mrs. Wall said, “There are about 15 students in the club right now, but anybody can join in at any time.” In January, they read the book The Pigman by Paul Zindel. Through the month of February, they decided to put their favorite book title in a hat, then they each drew from it and that is the book they are reading this month. Next month, they will all read the same book.

My name is Ashley Suehaela. My middle name is Arabic, but I'm not Arabic, sadly. I love my Mexican culture, especially the food and music. I can't wait...