Activities are going digital
A list of current activities that students can participate in
May 8, 2020
When school switched to online courses, students and faculty began preparing for the possibility of spring activities being canceled. That possibility has now become a reality, affecting a lot of people. Knowing the importance of having a way to connect with others, German teacher Suzanne Jokela and Options teacher Sara Baird have found a way to allow students to socialize and participate in school activities online.
Creating online extra curricular activities allows students to participate in something outside of school work, and allows students and teachers to stay connected with each other. Ms. Baird said, “I knew we would be missing a lot of interaction when we moved to distance learning so I thought it was important to create opportunities for students to connect both to each other and staff while we are apart.”
The online activities are beneficial for students and staff allowing them to stay connected. It also allows teachers to step outside the typical role of a teacher and connect with students. For students it makes it easier to get homework done because they have something to look forward to. Junior Justin Kraus said, “I definitely have something that I look forward to doing at the end of the week, and it helps me get my work done because I want to play with a clear mind.”
There are currently nine different activities that students can participate in with hope to make more available. Some activities include: OHS Hook Club and OHS TikTok Challenge Club. OHS Hook Club is similar to having a book club but instead of discussing books students would be discussing different albums being listened to. The OHS TikTok Challenge Club allows students to participate in fun TikTok related challenges. All the activities have no fee to join, the only activity that would require money is the mask sewing in order to buy the supplies needed to make the masks. Each group sets up dates and times for when the meetings will take place. Ms. Jokela said, “I hope these activities can provide a bit of a social outlet for all of us, when we are isolated in our homes.”
Student involvement has a big part in keeping the activities running. All activities need a faculty member to be an advisor. If a student is willing to take the lead in developing an activity it makes it easier for a staff member to be an advisor. It also takes participation from students as well, the more students that participate each meeting the easier it is to keep the activity running. Ms. Baird said, “ I am willing to work with students who want to organize an activity or group, so let me know if you have ideas and are willing to help get it up and running so the possibilities are really endless.” Ms. Baird can be contacted with any questions by school email [email protected]