Registration night is scheduled

OHS registration conferences will be held Tuesday, March. 4, from 3:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The purpose is to have a meeting involving students, parents, and advisors to review student data, and decisions to be made regarding course selections for the 2014-15 school year. There will be four different time sessions. Each family will be invited to one. If students or parents cannot make it to their time session contact the student’s counselor.

Some new additions have been made this year as there will be meetings for all grades. Freshman and sophomores will have a large group meeting discussing the Explore and PLAN tests. The purpose of small groups will be to start the process of class choices. This year the staff will be doing everything to help get students their class information. Vice Principal Mr. Jeff Miller said, “Make really informed decisions and take classes you need to help with your goals.” This change will give advisors and parents more connection during the registration process.

Some class changes this year include the need for current sophomores, freshman, and incoming grades will have to take four credits of history classes, because World History is now one credit. Intermediate Algebra will be included with the Academy program this year. Agricultural Science will be offering, Agriculture Exploration I and II, and Natural Resources and Ecology I and II. In the Business Education area, Accounting II, Advanced Marketing, and Word Processing II will be added this year. Foods I, II, and III will be changing for next year as well, Foods ll will be baking and pastry, and Foods lll is all about the culinary arts. Options will have a new course, called Options Mentorship, open to grades 10-12, it will be .5 credit, and it is a quarter length class. Incoming freshman will not be looking for what used to be called Pre-AP courses, they are now called Enriched classes. For any other questions regarding classes please ask students advisor.