Christmas ideas in a pinch
Christmas is just around the corner and gift ideas are needed
December 24, 2020
By the time Christmas comes, many people panic and never know what to get other people or ask for as a gift. Some people go the route of asking others for their opinions or they even look for ideas on Google. Here are some ideas for the upcoming holidays.
As Black Friday and Cyber Monday made an appearance, many deals and wanted items to make themselves known. This year one of the most bought items on Black Friday was a little unusual for a gift, but with 2020 being an unusual year these things are perfect. People bought things from travel vouchers to loungewear. Cyber Monday came a little different this year, seeing as people bought most of their gifts online. On Nov. 31, 2020, there was a 15.1% increase in gifts bought online and about 10.8 billion more dollars earned than last year.
Christmas gifts can vary from a variety of different things. Senior Klara Blacker said, “My ideal Christmas gift is probably an Apple Pencil, so I can do calligraphy and art digitally.” More people have started to take up art and writing on IPads or tablets this year. Junior Andrew Laatsch said, “An ideal gift is clothes probably.” In a year like 2020, keeping it simple is the key. Sophomore Anna Fox said, “My ideal gift is trail cams and a good Christmas chapstick.” When thinking of an ideal gift, many either go the safe route of clothes or something they have been really wanting.
These three students also gave a few great ideas that a person could take into consideration when buying a gift for someone else. Blacker said, “For a parent, you could make their favorite baked treat. For a sibling, I’d get my sister a book because she loves to read. As for a significant other, maybe a handwritten note and a gift card to their favorite restaurant.”
When thinking about gifts for other people, going the homemade route is always a parent’s favorite. Laatsch said, “For others, I’d get something specific they want, clothes, speaker, something funny with sentimental value or even a gag gift could be something good.”
Going with a funny yet sentimental gift is always a good option when you don’t know for sure what to get. Fox said, “A gift for a sibling would be a sweatshirt, as for a gift for a parent could be like a photo of you and your sibling and for mom, you could get jewelry.” When getting a gift for a sibling most people go with the clothes route or even a blanket or video game, depending on the person.
Holidays this year might look different but that doesn’t mean people have to ask for anything different. There isn’t anything wrong with asking for a blanket, video game, jersey, something personalized or even a pair of shoes. The holidays through a pandemic could make history this year with all these ideas.