Sydney Hunst

Sydney Hunst is the female winner for the Triple A Award.

Sydney Hunst is involved in soccer and hockey. Sports have taught her more than just the physical aspect of things. Hunst said, “Things like time management and working with others as a team are big things that I will take with me in the future.” She has multiple accolades and been a part of multiple Big 9 champion teams as being on the varsity teams since her junior high days as well as a three time all conference selection in hockey. Hunst’s leadership is a big quality that sets her apart from her peers, as she is a captain in both soccer and hockey. She will continue playing hockey at the college of St. Benedict.

When it comes to academics, Hunst has taken all the challenging classes she could at her time at OHS. Hunst also has to balance the vigorous academic load with more extracurricular activities she’s involved in. These include DECA, NHS and DIG. These clubs and organizations highlight her high class room status and involvement in the community.

Arts have also been a big part of her high school experience. Hunst is involved in orchestra and choir. She is not only in the highest orchestra but the highest choir also. Orchestra director, Ms. Sandra Justice said, “Sydney is really good at instilling her passion in others, especially younger students.”

Hunst has a knack for success that’s undeniable. The drive and passion she has for everything she does has allowed her to rise to the top. This award embodies the exemplary qualities that Hunst values in her life: Athletics, Arts and Academics.