Libby Janka furthers her soccer career at RCTC

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Libby Janka kicking it on the field.

Lauryn Bateman, Writer

Senior Libby Janka has played soccer her whole life and she’s not stopping now. Janka was recruited by Bryan Weiss, the head coach of Rochester Community and Technical College in late October 2020. Janka will be playing soccer while attending a two year nursing program. RCTC works directly with the Mayo Clinic making this an ideal situation for her. 

Janka has played on Owatonna High School’s girls soccer team as a defensive player, yet is known for her versatility. Nate Gendron, varsity head coach of OHS girls soccer team said, “She was versatile and was able to step into whatever role you needed her to.” Janka finds soccer to be a good outlet for building teamwork and lasting friendships. Senior and teammate Sarah Kingland said, “What makes Libby special is her ability to make strong bonds with her teammates because that creates trust and that’s super important when on the field.”   

Initially, Janka was not looking to play soccer in college, but when approached by Coach Weiss to play she couldn’t say no. Janka stated, “I was really surprised the coach reached out to me, just because I didn’t think I was even that good. But, it made me really happy to see my efforts were being noticed.” Although she did not recognize her talent, Weiss did. Weiss said, “Libby possesses all of the traits that we look for in future RCTC Yellowjacket soccer players. On the field, she’s a skilled and intelligent player that’s coachable and self-driven. Off the field, she’s a great teammate and student.”

Excited for the new journey that lies ahead, Janka appreciates the opportunity to include soccer as a part of the college experience. Nursing will still be her main focus, but soccer will be a getaway from the academic demands, teamwork and dedication.  These are the qualities that describe Janka on the soccer field. It is those qualities that will carry her to a successful nursing career.