OHS students return to reality

OHS students talking with friends before school starts
April 22, 2021
OHS is back in action for quarter four. Over the past year OHS has been dealing with the known pandemic COVID-19. They have been struggling with being able to get students into the classroom and keeping up on their work. After the past year of either being all virtual or Hybrid model OHS has finally come back to almost full time school.
After spring break students returned to the high school being in school four days a week. They have school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Principal Kory Kath said, “The governor and the Department of Education truly has loosened on some of the restrictions and expanded some of the opportunity to be able to have more students come in.”
With the new change being made, OHS students still have the option to be all virtual. If students did choose to be all virtual they have Wednesdays to be able to meet with their teachers virtually, while in school learners have the day to work at home. All virtual students still have different assignments to do throughout the week. All Virtual learner Kanin Hable said, “There hasn’t been a change in the amount of work given by teachers however, there have been more google meets and teachers have been more focused on students staying on top of their work.”
With students coming back almost full time to school the school was packed full compared to normal. For students and teachers it felt very different. The classes now have around 30 kids in them compared to 10 -15. The six foot social distance in classrooms has now turned into three foot. Senior Caleb Schuler said, “It was strange to see so many new faces because I haven’t seen the underclassmen before. I like Wednesdays at home but being at school means I can’t work at my own place.”
OHS students have been given many opportunities to start out quarter four. All spring sports have been able to start up like normal. OHS is having a prom for the seniors and juniors. Graduation gets to be outside on the football field with four tickets per senior. OHS looks to finish out the year strong with 80% of students back in the classroom learning.