BB-BS recruitment
Bigs with their Littles
May 13, 2021
Brothers Brothers Big Sisters, also referred to as BB-BS, is a 501 non-profit organization whose mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. BBBS of Southern Minnesota serves ages 5-14 residing in Steele, Rice, Dodge and Waseca Counties. This year was very different from previous years, high schoolers were not able to meet with their littles during school hours, which made it more difficult and more of a time commitment than before because they had to meet with them virtually, whether it had been texting, calling or facetime/zoom. BB-BS recruitment usually consists of getting attention on social media, having the Bigs post and share about their experience of becoming a Big.
Match support specialists will match current sophomores or freshmen who want to become a big. They match the Big and the little based on common interests and age preference, so they’ll love spending time together. They can play games, go outside and help with school work. Requirements for BB-BS are being a positive role model, minimum commitment of two school years and a driver’s license by November.
When BB-BS was able to, they had small events to try and get bigs and little back together to have it be like normal. Some of those included a sledding party, outdoor games and the last one is the summer send off which is on May 21, 2021. Megan Horton is the Community Outreach Director. Horton said, “Honestly, this year was a challenge. Building and sustaining Big & Little relationships virtually brought new obstacles year-round, but it was amazing to see the effort that many High School Bigs put into the program even though it was a tough year,” We are so excited to get closer to a new normal next year, and the need for Bigs is still great. Littles are waiting!” As their Big, you’ll be an extra friend at their school once a week, and be the change they need.
BB-BS has made a difference not only in the Littles lives but the Bigs as well. Senior Lucy Macius said, “ My experience with BB-BS has been amazing. I have really enjoyed getting to know my little and all the amazing people involved in the organization!”
Current sophomores and freshmen interested in joining BB-BS can go to the small group forum on May 13 before school at 7:40-8:00 a.m. or after school at 2:40-3:05 p.m., to learn more about becoming a High School Big.