Many students experience homecoming coronation for the first time
OHS Homecoming King and Queen Dylan Meiners and Jenna Dallenbach pose with Top 12 nominees and junior royalty.
October 3, 2021
Excitement levels among OHS students and staff are high as the first true homecoming since 2019 draws near. Half of the current OHS students have never had the full homecoming experience. With tighter COVID-19 restrictions last year, freshmen and sophomores have not had a coronation pep fest or homecoming dance.
Unfortunately, due to predicted rain and the track being resurfaced, the pep fest could not take place on the football field as originally planned. Student Council coordinator Ms. Sandra Justice said, “We had to completely change course on that in 48 hours, it’s been a challenge.” Instead, freshmen and sophomores were shown a live stream of the coronation pep fest from their first hour classrooms, while juniors and seniors were inside the gym watching in person. Although the change in plans may have been disappointing to lowerclassmen who hoped to watch coronation in person, it still made for a great morning.
The pep fest was held on Oct. 1 and it began with the emcees, juniors Sarah Snitker and Abby Vetsch, calling up the OHS Cheer Team to perform a routine. After the cheerleaders finished, Snitker and Vetsch went on to explain this year’s homecoming week events. They then introduced the Homecoming King and Queen Top 12 nominees and welcomed them to the front. The Top 12 nominees included seniors: Taylor Bogen, Ty Creger, Lucas Jensen, Eli Knutson, Eli Spurgeon, Nick Williams, Lane Wagner, Olivia Herzog, Hillary Haarstad, Janessa Moore, Lexi Nelson, Lydia Nelson, Daniela Ortiz and Ava Wolfe.
Next, head football coach Mr. Jeff Williams gave an encouraging message about the opportunity homecoming gives everyone to come together as a school, work with teams and accomplish great things. Mr. Williams inspired students to be involved in their school, show up for the community and put in hard work.
Next, king and queen Top 5 Finalists seniors Grant Achterkirch, Julia Christenson, Connor Ginskey, Jenna Dallenbach, Jackson Hemann, Ava Hess, Preston Meier, Justice Holmes, Dylan Meiners and Lainie Rhan were welcomed forward.
The final, and most highly anticipated event of the morning was the homecoming royalty coronation. Students of all grades had been excitedly waiting for the king and queen to be revealed. Sophomore Sadie Fox said, “I’ve never seen a coronation before so it was really interesting to witness it.” The top 5 candidates passed a light to each other and the light was to light up when it got to the king and queen. The crowd of students were excited to welcome Dylan Meiners and Jenna Dallenbach as their 2021 Homecoming King and Queen. The pep fest was a great way to kick off the start of homecoming week, with many more exciting events to come.