Transition back to real school
OHS students return to school full time after having having irregular school weeks last year
October 11, 2021
As COVID-19 regulations loosen, students and staff at OHS are starting to transition back to normalcy. The transition back being in person full time has been both a positive and negative experience. Being back in person has brought a plethora of new opportunities and resources to the students, but it also brought along new struggles that students and staff were not prepared for.
Many students are excited to be back in school to finally get the help they need and to experience high school as a whole. Junior Kassidy Hart said, “Being back in person has allowed easier access to communication with teachers.” Hart, as well as other full-time distance learning students, struggled with communicating with their teachers during the 2020-2021 school year. Virtual only students felt that getting in touch with teachers and asking them questions was harder and more awkward then doing so compared to previous years. In person learning helps students thrive and get the help they need. Hart said, “I’d say that I feel more confident in my work, and I’ve always had A’s so that stayed the same, but I feel more knowledgeable and confident in my grades by being in school.” The transition back to in person helps students maintain their grades, knowledge and establish a solid connection with teachers and peers.
Coming back to full time in person has not been a new experience for only full-time distance learners, but it has also been a new experience to part time in person learners as well. Sophomore Amina Sangare believes that being in person all week compared to being at school for two days is more beneficial to her learning. Sangare said, “It feels great being at school because I’m not missing out on a lot of stuff, it’s just so much easier to be back than doing two days at school then three days at home. I prefer being at school because I can’t learn at home. I have a hard time learning over the computer and I’d rather have a teacher right in front of me teaching, rather than me learning over a computer on my own.” Although the full time distance and part time in person students didn’t have the same experience overall last year, they are both ready to be back in school this year.
Getting back into the building has been a great opportunity for students to better their education, but some kids have yet to adjust properly. Students got used to having unlimited access to their phones, which in turn created contrast with their new schedules. REACH counselor at OHS, Ms. Katie Wanous said, “These phones are like a drug for some people, it’s been one of our biggest challenges to have them take a break from it and be present for the lesson.”
Transitioning back into the social aspect of school has also caused some trouble for students. Many had realized that they had gotten used to the lack of communication they had faced during distance learning. Getting back into the high social experience that school is, has been a huge challenge for some. Ms. Wanous said, “We had a student that said ‘I don’t know how to communicate anymore.’ ” Communication is a big part of school, without it a student will not be able to thrive.
It has been both a positive and negative experience transitioning back into school so far, but as the school year continues both students and staff alike will work hard to get over any challenges they may face during this uncertain time. Hopefully one day students and staff can experience the high school they once knew before COVID-19.