OHS Cash Drive exceeds goal

Maria Schwab

OHS raised a total of $9,604.30 during the 2021 Cash Drive

Maria Schwab, Writer

The Cash Drive has always been a big deal at OHS. It brings everyone together for a good cause. This year, OHS is raising money for Beds for Kids which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing beds for children in need.

OHS students are the only ones who participate in The Cash Drive. OHS Student Council Adviser Ms. Sandra Justice said, “Cash drive is just within OHS, we don’t partner with elementary schools or the community, it is all the students.” OHS offered different events this week to try and raise as much money as they can towards beds for kids. Some of these events included trying to raise money at the pep fest, basketball extravaganza, the Price is Right activity night, the mangeant and coin wars throughout the week. 

These different events raised various amounts of money. Senior Bailey Manderfeld said, “I think the mangeant will raise the most money. It is a fun event and draws in a lot of community support.” Coin wars will most likely have a good turn out as students get to put coins in their second hour class provided by a bucket from the student council. OHS ended up raising $9,604.30 total. That’s $2,500 more than the original goal of $7,000. The coin wars brought in the most money with Mr. Wanous’s class bringing in  $2,012.42. All of the money raised at OHS will be equivalent to about 25 beds. OHS will now have the opportunity to give these beds to students and children in need.