OHS Food Drive gives to students in need
OHS prepares for 2021 Cash Drive
December 13, 2021
In light of the holidays, OHS is holding a food drive to raise food and funds for families currently in need. Each year the staff brainstorms ways that they can help OHS students in need. Currently, there are 22 students attending the high school that meet the criteria for homelessness. In addition, there are a large number of students living in pervasive poverty. The holidays can be especially difficult and providing everyday needs can be a struggle. The hope of the food drive is to spread joy and help out those in need. The past years have been successful and 15-20 families have been gifted with things such as gift cards and additional funds to support basic needs such as gas, food and rent.
The staff is encouraged to donate gift cards to help out. There will be a waffle bar held for the staff and they are more than welcome to willingly donate. This will be held on Friday, Dec. 17 at 7 a.m. All donations will go directly to purchase gift cards and food for OHS students in need. There will also be a way for students to get involved while having fun. There will be a class competition for students to bring in canned and nonperishable food items to their first hour classes. The class that brings in the most amount of food will be given donuts on Dec. 23. Freshman Mohamed Hasan said, “I am most excited about everyone pitching in, helping the less fortunate, and giving for the holiday season.” The class competition will be held from Dec. 6 -Dec. 21.
OHS is excited to find a way to give back to those in need. With the ongoing pandemic, it can be an especially difficult time for families. The donations release a huge burden off of families and can help lift their spirits during this time. In the past years, the joy has been overwhelming and the families being gifted could not be more grateful. Staff members Ms. Nancy Williams, Ms. Casie DeVos and Ms. Halley Purkey Ritscher are in charge of the donations and class competition. OHS Social Worker, Ms. Williams said, “Thanks in advance, for your generosity in making this holiday season special for our students in these on-going strange and difficult times.”
If there are any questions, students and staff are encouraged to reach out.