The student news site of Owatonna High School.

Valentina Contreras

Junior Aiden Engel displays the Robotics team’s ThinkPad laptop, which is covered in stickers that represent the team.

Junior Aiden Engel

“This is one of the main programming laptops for the Robotics team. So naturally we have to get it all completely decked out in robotics stickers. So our main one here is going to be our team logo sticker with our logo and team number which is 4624. And going around in a circle, we have our big first Robotics sticker which is like the main robotics organization which does all the events. Then we have a VEX PRO sticker, which is a brand of motor that we pretty often use at the robot. We have a GitHub sticker, which is where we store all of our code online so that our team can use it. AndyMark is a brand of tools that we use pretty commonly. Swerve Drive Specialties is the kind of drive train we have on a robot which allows us to do very well in competitions. And then mostly the other ones are brands such as Ruhland, which makes tools and Analog Devices which makes other technology pieces for a robot.”

What is your favorite sticker?

“I have to go with our main team for 4624 sticker, front center looks really nice and looks clean.”

What is the most meaningful sticker?

“Most meaningful sticker to me is the Swerve Drive sticker since my freshman year we spent probably about five weeks or so of our season making our swerve drive. And we’ve been able to use it for three years now.”

Why are there stickers on the laptop?

“It represents our team as a whole and what we do.”

Anything else?

“Join robotics team.”

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