Skatin’ to Sections.
Goalies Preston Meir and Sam Pfieffer meet at the net in between periods
February 24, 2022
The Owatonna Boys Hockey team is making a comeback. The last few games Owatonna has dominated the rink, and is looking to continue that success.
The Huskies have continued to grow and get better over the season. The team took a couple hard losses in the beginning of the season, but have shown strides in their game throughout the season. Their game vs. Winona on Feb. 15, the team won 9-0 and sophomore Owen Beyer scored 7 points, with 4 goals and 3 assists, and goalie Sam Pfieffer in the net helped the team to shut out. Beyer said, “We lost to Faribault, and played a couple of teams they’ve beaten, and we’ve blown them out of the water and that just shows how much better we have gotten.” To keep the team on a winning streak, the Huskies need to keep up their effort and continue to play at the top of their game.
The Huskies are being led by a great group of seniors with a few juniors and sophomores contributing. Along with having a new coach this season, the Huskies have learned to adjust well and learn new ways of teaching. Head coach Dave Fromm said, “I draw from all my life’s experiences, to try to help, teach, and motivate our athletes.”
The Huskies are looking to keep their winning streak as they head their way into sections. Senior Caleb Vereide said, “Our section is pretty tough, but we definitely have a chance to make it to state.” The Huskies will play their first round of the section tournament at Hastings on Feb. 24 at 7 p.m.