Underwear mayhem
Spring play Unnecessary Farce opens on Thurday
April 22, 2014
Lots of physical activity, students running around in their underwear, mistaken identities lead to mayhem. This may sound like just a crazy story, but actually it is the spring play. The spring play this year is called Unnecessary Farce and it will be something to see. The play includes students getting up and moving around not only in their clothes, but also in their underwear. When asked what was so different about this play from other ones that Mr. Eitrheim directed said, “I would say the amount of people in their underwear. I’ve had shows with one person in their underwear, in this one almost everybody is in their underwear at some point in the show.”
The plot of this play involves a new accountant who arranges for the mayor to meet in a room. In this room, there are hidden cameras to catch him telling the accountant that he was embezzling money. The thing is, the mayor is the nicest man the town has ever seen. It seems kind of fishy that the nicest mayor would embezzle money. So it turns out that the mayor may only be guilty of one thing and that would be being too nice. That fact brings up something else that could be hiding right under the cops noses. Throughout the play, there are characters that begin to fall in love with each other and characters that believe someone is in love with them, but they actually are not in love at all which makes for a humorous play. Everyone is welcome to go to the show this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7 pm. There will also be a show on Sunday at 1:30 pm. The tickets are$5 for a student and $7 for an adult. An activity pass will also work to get in. Please note that play is “rated” PG-13 due to some of its comedy.