Scream 6 adds new twist to the franchise

Austin Meyers, Writer

The newest installment of the “Scream” franchise takes the viewer to New York City during a dark and scary Halloween. Movie goers will see Sam and Tara Carpenter, played by Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega, try to escape their past and move on with their lives by leaving Woodsboro and moving to the Big Apple. Unfortunately, Ghostface had other plans for the group of friends as they have to survive another series of Ghostface attacks and try to solve the mystery as to who this new Ghostface might be before he can send them six feet under. 

This new “Scream” movie adds a lot more stakes, kills and thrills to the franchise. This movie takes the franchise in a whole new direction as it makes our masked villain a whole lot more menacing as he cuts his way through New York City. Overall audiences say that this movie was a fun one to watch.

The new movie has gained great reviews from OHS students. Owatonna senior Andrew Bong said, “I give this movie a 9/10 because the connection to the previous movies at the end is a good tie in to the whole thing… I say it’s the best one so far.” Other students who have never seen a Scream film still were able to enjoy the film and understand what was going on, junior Aaron Ginnetti, said, “I’ve never seen a Scream movie before. I would give it a solid 8/10.” 

Movie critic site Rotten Tomatoes gives the movie a 76 percent score with a 93 percent audience score overall proving to the fact that this movie is a fun one to watch. Overall this movie adds a new spin on the franchise and shows that its new producers will be more than capable of taking the reins on this franchise. Movie lovers can go see “Scream 6” at local theaters and experience the movie for themselves.