Speech Team sends 12 to State Tournament

Ella Williams

Owatonna High School host a school send off for speech team state participants

Ella Williams, Writer

The Owatonna Speech Team has had an amazing season with some competitive meets. They have worked extremely hard and it has shown. With this, the team will be sending 12 people to the upcoming State Speech Tournament. 

This year’s State Tournament is being held on April, 28 at Eastview High School in Apple Valley. Our Owatonna team will be sending Lileigh Nguyen, Makenna Hovey, Aaron Baker, Emery Vick, Elijah Leon, Kinzie Carlson, Tatum Rau, Emma Green, Ava Kleeberger, Nora Johnson, Hailey Kjersten, and Reuel Borkenhagen. 

In order to prepare for State they bring in other people with Speech experience. This can bring in new perspectives and new ideas. Things can be seen and fixed that might not have been seen before. One of the most important things is lots and lots of practice. 

As far as expectations go, the coaches really have one main goal which is for the students to have fun and do the best they can. Even though it can be a stressful experience, coaches are doing their best to keep it entertaining and stress free. Being anxious can affect people’s performances, so they really are trying to emphasize on having a good time and not worrying about how things will go. 

Ms. Anderson said, “I try not to stress because then people don’t always perform well.” 

The team is getting eager and the nerves have started. For many of them, this is their first time going to State. For junior Nora Johnson, this is also her first year on the team. Making it to State is a big deal and she is excited to see what it’s like. 

Johnson says, “I’m not really going into it thinking I’m going to win, because it’s my first year. I’m just excited to be a part of it.” 

On Wednesday, April. 26, there was a sendoff after school where students could stop in and congratulate the team and wish them luck while enjoying some cookies.