Doctor Who
Doctor Who, a British science fiction series that began in 1963, seems to finally be making its way to the United States. The series that consists of over 800 episodes is still producing episodes. In admiration of the show, a club has appeared within the Owatonna High School filled with “Whovians” who adore the show.
While there was a Doctor Who club last year at OHS, it was not going to continue this school year. After being made aware of this, freshman Elijah Kraling and Jacob Wright decided to restart the club from scratch at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. After receiving approval from a teacher advisor, Mr. Kuehn, it was official. The club tries to meet once or twice a month, depending on scheduling, to discuss and watch the show.
Lately, the club has been planning a trip to a Doctor Who convention in May. Some of the actors from the show come to the conventions, along with many Whovians. These conventions are a great time to meet other fans of the show.
The club is still relatively small, so if there is anyone who loves the show feel free to join and meet some people who share the love of the show! If interested, talk to Mr. Kuehn, Elijah Kraling or Jacob Wright.
Hey. I’m Tim Flynn, a senior, and I enjoy Netflix and long walks in the snow. Although I can hate it some days, I love participating in swimming and...