Friday night splash

On May 8, the Owatonna Student Council will be hosting the annual Art Splash. The event will take place at Central Park Coffee on 113 N Cedar Ave from 7p.m to 9 p.m. There is no admission fee.

The Art Splash consists of students from the Owatonna High School singing a solo or duet, and/or playing an instrument. OHS artists may submit a painting, drawing, sculpture, jewelry, photography, etc. There is no limit as to how many artworks you can submit. It only depends on how many submissions student council receives. Performers have a limited amount  of time depending upon how many students wish to preform.

The Art Splash is open to any and all forms of creativity. Advisor of Student Council, Mrs. Julie Haugen, said, “It is an amazing opportunity. It is one of my favorite events that we do for a student council event. It is cool that there is kind of that freedom to do what you want to do. It is hard to explain unless you have been there, so, I recommend that everyone goes.”  To sign up you can either talk to your art teacher, sign up in the library, give your artwork to Mrs. Haugan or talk to Student Council member chairs senior Jacob Hellevik or sophomore Britta Gantert.

Jacob Hellevik and Britta Gantert will also be the announcers at the Art Splash, announcing the acts to the crowd. Gantert said, “Jacob Hellevik and I have a lot of fun planning the Art Splash. We are really excited to see everyone display their talents. Central Park Coffee has been really helpful and generous by allowing us to have this event.”

Students who enter a piece of their artwork into the Art Splash are not required to attend the event. Mrs. Haugan explained the purpose for the Student Council in continuing the Art Splash. She said, “We just want to highlight all of those really cool things that kids can do here at OHS. I know that we have an amazing music and art program and everything, but it is to make sure that they get to shine.”

During the Art Splash, beverages will be sold at Central Park Coffee, as well as snacks. The Art Splash is something all students can attend, enjoying beverages and snacks while taking in all the forms of art.