The student news site of Owatonna High School.


The student news site of Owatonna High School.


The student news site of Owatonna High School.


New teacher, Mr. Geislinger ready for a new school year
Mr. Geislinger is excited for a new year at OHS.
Mr. Geislinger is excited for a new year at OHS. (Joe Zeman)

Mr. Mitchell Geislinger is a new teacher here at OHS. Geislinger is originally from Watkins, Minnesota. He has been teaching for six years . Geislinger has past experience teaching at Albert Lea High School, and Rocori Middle School. He first attended St. Cloud State University, where he received a degree in travel and tourism. He then went to Minnesota State University Moorhead where he earned his teaching degree. He recently received his masters degree from Northwestern college. 

Geislinger primarily teaches world history and AP Economics at OHS. He is also involved in strength and conditioning this fall, assisting student athletes in their workout programs.  Mr. Geislinger said,“My family was looking at moving north and getting close to family. I also heard really good things about Owatonna high school, so I’m very excited to be here.” Geislinger is a teacher looking to make a difference in the lives of his students. Mr. Geislinger said, “I worked at a facility where I worked with individuals who were really struggling in school, and in life in general. They had kind of a rough go, so I made an impact in their lives, and so once I did that I realized I really liked teaching.” Junior, Nolan Peterson said, “I like how he pushes each one of us so we can become better players on the field.” For some teachers the most rewarding part of being a teacher is the ability to see kids grow. 

Outside of school ice fishing, hiking and anything outdoors are just some of the activities that Geislinger enjoys in his free time. He loves to go camping, as well as watching sports. He is excited to acclimate to the culture in Owatonna, and to be a part of the community. Geislinger said, “I really would  like for other people just to know who I am, and to get to a point where they feel comfortable with me, and for students to get to know who I am.” Geislinger is ready to be a part of Owatonna, and Owatonna is ready to have him. Students and staff can find him in room 305 during the first, third and fourth block. 

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The student news site of Owatonna High School.