Getting a head start at college
Riverland Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Info
February 27, 2017
Postsecondary enrollment options, or also known as PSEO, is a program in place in Minnesota and a few other states that allow high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to participate in college level classes. Owatonna High School provides this option to its students. Most classes are taken at Riverland Community College while others are taken online. Postsecondary enrollment can be a great advantage to high school students.
PSEO can enable students to get a head start on their college education by earning extra credits while in high school. This may lighten the amount of classes needed to be taken while actually taking part in a postsecondary school. Additionally, because it comes as no cost to students, PSEO would cut out costs that otherwise need to be paid when taking the class out of high school
The credits earned during PSEO will transfer over into the participant’s college or junior college transcript. Owatonna student counselor Brynn McConnell said, “I think PSEO gives students an idea about the level at which college courses are at and how to navigate those courses. I also believe there can be struggles with these classes as some students think they are ready, but end up not passing because the responsibility is put on the student and teachers won’t necessarily check up on you.”
Although the cost is free, students wanting involvement in a postsecondary class must meet residency and eligibility requirements, as well as abide by participation limits specified by Minnesota laws. If these steps are taken it is possible for a student to graduate with a high school diploma and an associate’s degree at the same time. Postsecondary education options can be a great opportunity for students to get ahead and begin their young adult lives on the right track.