From the Heart
Owatonna’s ninth annual From the Heart event is around the corner. From the Heart is a local organization that supports families who face cancer. The event is an annual run that is held in Owatonna to raise money to support families within the community that are going through a journey with cancer.
On Friday, May 5, packets for the race will be available for pick-up. Also, on this date there will be a spaghetti supper, silent auction and bake sale. These events will take place at the Owatonna Junior High School from 4:30- 8:00 p.m. Coordinator Nancy Williams said “We are very much looking forward to the support that the community brings to help our four families that are being honored this year.” If one is looking to support the event there are still pre-race shirts available for purchase at in the career center or Profinium Bank, they are black and say “Stronger, Stronger, Stronger than you think” on them with From The Heart on the back.
Additionally, the National Marrow Donor Program is making a way for young ones to change the lives of others through their booth at the spaghetti dinner on May 5. Individuals can register to donate bone marrow through a cheek-swabbing kit to determine whether they are eligible or not. Anyone between the ages of 18 to 44 are able to register, however the optimal age for a donor would be from 18 to 25. Becoming a bone marrow donor is a great way to reach out to others in need and make a difference. While only a small portion of students meet the age requirement at OHS, every donor has the potential to change a life.
All proceeds from the race, spaghetti supper, silent auction and bake sale will go toward this year’s recipients. This year, From the Heart has chosen four families to be recipients. The families of Nick Larson, Matt Ratzloff, Marcy Jo Fenske and Terri Grose will receive a portion of the proceeds that are made from the event. Short biographies of each recipient are on the From the Heart website.
The From the Heart race will take place on Saturday, May 6. From a 5K run/walk, half marathon relay to a half marathon, there are multiple distances for runners to choose from. Anyone interested in participating in these events can sign up on their website. These are community based events. They bring community together to raise money for local people who are fighting a battle against cancer.

I am a senior at OHS. Some things I am involved with are baseball, concert choir, youth group, teaching a youth program, and last but not least magnet....