Veteran’s Day: a day to honor members of the military
Veteran’s Day is Saturday, Nov. 11
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, an armistice between Germany and the Allied nations came into effect. One year later, Armistice Day was commemorated for the first time as a holiday. According to The U.S. Departments of Veteran’s Affairs, “This day is a reflection of the heroism shown by those who gave their life in the armed forces for the United States. However, in 1954, Armistice Day was changed to “Veterans Day” in order to account for veterans from all wars.”
Veteran’s Day is meant to show gratitude for the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to make this country a safer place. One can honor veteran’s day by asking a veteran what their experiences were like, donating to Veteran’s Day drives or by simply saying thank you. Mr. Jonathon Friday, a member of the national guard and social studies teacher at OHS, says, “I take a moment out of the day to think of the people I have severed with and those in my family that have severed.” It is a privilege to be protected by the men and women of the armed forces, and veteran’s day deserves to be remembered.
Today, the military is honored in many ways, but that has not always been the case. Veterans from older generations were ignored after returning from war. Soldiers have been blamed instead of political leaders when citizens did not agree with the war. According to Vietnam War Veterans. “No parades or welcome home parties were thrown for the soldiers of the Vietnam War like they were for World War I vets. “Thankfully, the United States has moved towards celebrating those who have served in the armed forces. At our local VFW and Legion veterans can share a free meal with their family.
Veterans of recent wars have also had own battles. To many of the soldiers overseas, they cannot wait to return home to hear the cry of a newborn or feel the hug of a loved one. And when they get back, the fight to return to their life begins. Life is affected. Family, occupational roles and even fundamental things like who you are have changed. Some military members have not fully adjusted to life years after service, and no member will ever be completely unaffected by their time served. This should be recognized and the sacrifice should be appreciated by the public.

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