2019 prom styles and budgeting

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Corsage and boutonniere

Kenzie Haberman, Writer

As prom season draws near, many juniors and seniors are anticipating the big day. With the  buzz and excitement, the night is made out to be “the best night of your life,” but stress follows closely behind. OHS students are wrapping up their searches for dresses, dates and accessories like flowers, jewelry and shoes. Although prom isn’t until May 11, there is a lot of work to put in to come out with the flawless prom experience. Students began to prepare for the night a few months in advance. Reservations are made ahead of time to ensure any and all appointments are held. To help eliminate stress for prom preparations, there are many ways to get on top of preparations and also save money. Although the final look is important, but prom night is truly about having a good time with friends and making memories.

One of the biggest features to prom is having the perfect outfit to go along with making it the perfect night. A lot of boys choose to rent a tuxedo; which can be done in town at places like Klecker’s Creations or Kohl’s. Some choose to make things boujee by purchasing a tux from places like Men’s Warehouse or any bridal shop. Junior Dalten Wincell said, “I chose to go the cheaper route for my junior prom and rent a tux. I didn’t want to spend too much money on a tux because I also have to buy tickets, dinner and a lot of other things.” Going with a cheaper tux is always a good option because prices start to add up, especially if a boy decides to spoil their date with buying tickets and dinner.

For the ladies, it’s a lot more serious to find a dress that is in your budget but also unique and makes you feel beautiful. Junior Whitni Minton said, “Choosing a dress was extremely difficult for me because I wanted something that would be comfortable to dance in, but I also wanted something that would catch people’s eyes. I chose a dress that was more on the pricier side.” Every year there are different trends for prom dresses. The last few years, a very common trend has been floral dresses. Some girls even resort to wearing colorful converse and boycott the uncomfortable heels and wedges all together.

Putting all the stressful organizing and planning aside, students forget to remember the true purpose of prom night and why OHS puts it on. Although the preparations for this magical experience brings a lot of stress to OHS teens, what really matters is having fun and making memories with your friends.